Sofia Maruci - Workshop: Horrible Bodies – the horror genre as a creative practice

Saturday 18th May / 20:00 / Zoom

Sofia Maruci - Workshop: Horrible Bodies – the horror genre as a creative practice

Saturday 18th May / 20:00 / Zoom

The workshop is a theoretical-practical proposal that seeks to reflect on the construction of the characters of the monster and the damsel in a series of horror films. Moments of theoretical exposition will be alternated with brief exercises of imitation of the gestural and expressive repertoire of selected scenes. The aim is to establish a dialog and a tension between the gestures of these two archetypal characters of horror cinema in the participants' bodies, in order to explore the potential of a "horrible body".

No previous experience is required to participate.

Sofia Maruci is an actress with a degree in Performing Arts from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and a master's degree student at the same institution. Her artistic research centers on the universe of horror, focusing on the representation of bodily excesses and monstrosity in this cinematic genre, perceiving them as creative material for the performing arts.  Author of the autobiographical solo "MONSTER – I’ve been dreaming about men", directed by Vicente Antunes Ramos, based on the bodily mimesis of the monsters and the damsels in a series of horror films.

Please note that limited spaces are available for our workshops - email us at finalgirlsfilmfest(at) to book your spot.

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