Bloody Girls - From Teen to Death: How Horror Movies Threaten Women

Saturday 19th May / 18:00 / Zoom

Bloody Girls - From Teen to Death: How Horror Movies Threaten Women

Saturday 19th May / 18:00 / Zoom

This talk is an overview of “feminine” fears over the course of the life of women as it's represented in horror movies. Presenters Aida and Elena will make fun and reflect on the “life lessons” that genre movies offer. An audiovisual trip to the horrible life that’s waiting for us. 

They will focus on five main phases in a women's life: teenage girls and the monstrosity of their bodily changes; the fully adult woman that tends to be connected to her sexuality and framed between the virgin and the whore tropes; the fertile woman, motherhood, overprotection and the mother’s body as a vehicle of evil; the wise woman or the old lady in horror films that often holds the magic wisdom; and the dead woman, one of the biggest motivations for male characters.

The Bloody Girls, Aida and Elena, are two horror and fantastic cinema lovers who work in the industry. Aida has worked in distribution for almost a decade and now teaches vocational training of sound and image and Elena works on film shoots in the camera crew, mainly as a video assistant and is also working on her second degree in sociology. Bloody Girls is a cultural project in which they analyze women's representation in genre cinema in different media and its relationship with other artistic forms and feminist movements. 

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