Mackenzie Bartlett - Meat Cute: Female Sexuality & Cannibalism in Modern Horror

Zoe Rose Smith - Cannibalism as Carnal Female Sexuality on Screen

Sunday 19th May / 20:00 / Zoom

Sunday 19th May / 20:00 / Zoom

Mackenzie Bartlett - Meat Cute: Female Sexuality & Cannibalism in Modern Horror

CALLING ALL MAN EATERS! "Meat Cute" is an exploration of cannibalism, sexuality, and insatiable appetites in modern horror. We'll bite into the history of cannibalism in western culture, the role it plays in horror cinema, and how the rise of the Modern Girlboss Cannibal as an archetype channels societal anxieties around repressed desire, complicated relationship to sexuality, and good old fashioned angst in films like BONES & ALL, RAW, JENNIFER'S BODY, & GINGERSNAPS.

Mackenzie Bartlett is a horror filmmaker, writer, and journalist. She is excited to return to Final Girls Berlin, this time as a speaker! Her award-winning short films explore the intersection of bodily autonomy, pop culture, & horror, and have screened internationally. Her writing can be found in Grimm Mag, Screen Queens, and more recently, on the cover of Fangoria. She personally identifies as a hag, and resides in Portland, Maine.

Zoe Rose Smith - Cannibalism as Carnal Female Sexuality on Screen

An in-depth look at how visceral and often extreme cannibalism films are used as the perfect portrayal of female desire and the hunger for flesh. Building on the idea that the liberation of women's sexuality can be displayed through the animalistic nature of wanting to consume another human to satisfy a craving to openly display eroticism and lust. Dissecting and digesting Claire Denis' Trouble Every Day, Marina De Van's Dans Ma Peau, Julia Ducournau's Raw and Luca Guadagnino's Bones and All.

Zoë Rose Smith is a film journalist and founder of Zobo With A Shotgun – specialising in anything extreme, with a penchant for nasty, gory and controversial horror films and books. She was the Editor-in-Chief of Ghouls Magazine, and is co-host on the Our Bloody Obsession podcast. She has written for publications including FANGORIA, Daily Grindhouse, Second Sight, Unearthed Films, TetroVideo Films, 88 Films, Arrow Films Video and Fractured Visions.

Mackenzie Bartlett

Zoe Rose Smith

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