Interview With Elinor Lewy And Sara Neidorf: Founders Of Final Girls Berlin Film Festival@ Berlin Film Journal

Founded in 2017, Final Girls Berlin Film Festival celebrates and showcases films directed, written, or produced by womxn. Each event is a safe haven for horror enthusiasts of all backgrounds to come together and share their love for fierce heroines reclaiming their power with blood and guts. Over the span of 2 years, the festival has toured around almost every shabby-chic kino in Berlin, and come this Autumn, international audiences will have the opportunity to catch their special Halloween and Best Of Final Girls Berlin 2019 screenings in Oslo, London, and Glasgow. We caught up with its founders, Elinor Lewy and Sara Neidorf, to learn more about what it takes to build your own film festival from the ground up.

Elinor Lewy